Spring Point Ledge Light is a ‘bug light,’ a modest-sized lighthouse. Where is the tallest lighthouse in the US?

The Quiz: Spring Point Ledge Light is a ‘bug light,’ a modest-sized lighthouse. Where is the tallest lighthouse in the US?

A San Francisco Harbor
B Cape Hatteras
C Cape Cod

The Cape Hatteras Light Station has gone through several incarnations since it was first lit in 1803 to warn ships about Diamond Shoals, a cluster of underwater sandbars that have wrecked many ships and given the area the moniker Graveyard of the Atlantic. The current lighthouse was built 198.49 feet tall so it could alert ships from its low-lying beach site. In an amazing engineering feat recognized by Guinness World Records, the lighthouse was moved 2,900 feet to save it from coastline erosion in 1999.

The correct answer to this quiz is Cape Hatteras.

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