In 2007, Jerry Seinfeld attempted to make the transition from TV to film with the animated ‘Bee Movie.’ But before the film was released, censors forced what scene to be cut?

Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz: In 2007, Jerry Seinfeld attempted to make the transition from TV to film with the animated ‘Bee Movie.’ But before the film was released, censors forced what scene to be cut?

A A bee pollinating a non-native species
B A swarm of bees stinging an elderly person
C Someone using an aerosol can as a flamethrower

The scene involves a bad guy using a lighter and an aerosol can as a makeshift flamethrower to kill Seinfeld’s bee character. The British Board of Film Classification required those 20 seconds to be removed in order for the film to receive a rating suitable for children. The scene has since been restored in Blu-ray and streaming releases of the film.

The correct answer is Someone using an aerosol can as a flamethrower.

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