These dolphins are feeding in a designated Marine Protected Area off South Africa’s east coast. What body of water are they in?

Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz: These dolphins are feeding in a designated Marine Protected Area off South Africa’s east coast. What body of water are they in?

A Indian Ocean
B Atlantic Ocean
C Arabian Sea

South Africa’s coastline stretches 1,770 miles from its desert border with Namibia on its western, Atlantic shore, to its border with Mozambique on the Indian Ocean on the east coast.
Roughly between the two oceans is the famous Cape of Good Hope, a navigational landmark more than a geographical one. Located on the Atlantic side of South Africa, it’s where a north-south journey becomes an east-west sailing for mariners. It is also where the cold and warm currents of the two oceans meet.

The correct answer to this quiz is Atlantic Ocean.

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